Sigma Alpha Omega at Valdosta State University
"One in Christ through Unity in Sisterhood."
Meet the Sisters!

Jeanne Jeter
Senior, Joined Spring 2014
Sociology and Anthroplogy Major
She's a clown

Kaleigh Humphreys
Senior, joined Fall 2014
Communication Disorders Major
Obsessed with Disney, knows every word to every song.

Kendria Hill
Sophomore, joined Fall 2014
Early Childhood Education Major
Changes hair color at least twice a year.

Natalie Starling
Junior, joined Spring 2015
Communication Disorders Major
Avid Opera Vocalist

Nia Keyes
Junior, joined Fall 2014
Psychology and Biology Major
Loves to throw down in the kitchen

Brianna Hampton
Senior, joined Fall 2014
Psychology Major
Natural Hair Guru

Piper Flint
Sophomore, joined Spring 2015
Communication Disorder Major
Likes to Smash things (as in Hulk Smash)

Keda Cook
Senior, joined Spring 2014
Office Administration and Technology Major
Loves to read

Melanie Rackley
Judicial Board
Psychology Major, Sociology Minor
Loves photography

Tiffanie Sherlock
Candidate Mentor
Sophomore, joined Spring 2015
Pre-Nursing Major
Studied abroad in London for five weeks

Jessica Gibbs
Junior, joined Spring 2014
Pre-nursing Major
Loves sports