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About Us

In the lanuaguage of the New Testament, the word "sorority", means "sisterhood". Jesus himself was the one who first introduced us to the idea that all Christians are of one family (Matthew 12:50). It, therefore, naturally follows that God created Christian women to be sisters to one another.


Our fellowship is Sigma Alpha Omega® is grounded first in Christ, and second in sisterhood. We seek to encourage one another to grow in love through life in Christ.


Some of the ways in which we fellowship include Bible studies, social activities, retreats, and service projects. Sigma Alpha Omega® is a great way to get involved and enjoy college life while remaining true to your identity as a child of God. 


Our activities do not involve alcohol, for we do not want to interfere with our ability to fellowship with the Savior. Along the same lines, we do not participate in any form of hazing: instead we strive to treat pledges with the respect and consideration due to them as priceless women for whom Jesus gave His Life


We are "One in Christ through Unity in Sisterhood"® 









National History:

  • Sigma Alpha Omega® Christian Sorority, INC. was founded in 1998 with eight founding sister at North Carolina University.

Symbols & Tradition


-Matthew 3:16-17-

Rho chapter Colors


-Song of Solomon 2:1-

National Colors


Slogan: "One in Christ through Unity in Sisterhood"

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Friendship & Esteem

& grace


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Rho Chapter History:

  • The Rho Chapter of Sigma Alpha Omega® was founded in Spring 2006 at Valdosta State University in Valdosta Georgia


  • "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." -Revelations 22:13

  • "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior." -Luke 1:46-47

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